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Mufti Ismail Menk’s Full Quran Mp3

Mufti Menk

Ismail ibn Musa Menk, famously known as Mufti Menk, born on 27th June 1975 is a Muslim cleric from Zimbabwe. And as the Head of the country’s fatwa department, Menk has been identified as a Salafi. But the scholar has disregarded being in any Muslim sect. 

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Surah An-Nasr Transliteration and Translation

surah nasar

Surah Nasr, written in Arabic as ألنَّصْر‎, is the 110th Surah of the Qur’an. Titled in English as “Help” or “Divine Support,” this surah comprises 3 verses. Surah An-Nasr Transliteration and English Translation Transliteration English Translation Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem  In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Iza jaaa’a nasrul-laahi walfath When comes the … Read more

Surah Adiyat Transliteration, and Amazing English Translation

surah adiyat

Surah Al Adiyat, also known as “The Coursers,” is the 100th chapter of the Qur’an. This surah is composed of 11 verses and is written in Arabic as العاديات‎. The title “The Coursers” refers to swift, racing horses, and the surah discusses various themes within its 11 verses. Surah Al-Adiyat Transliteration and English Translation No. … Read more

Shaikh Shafayat’s Biography

Shaikh Shafayat

Shaikh Shafayat was the first Muslim to represent Islam at a Florida State Faith Summit, held at the Capitol Building with Gov. Jeb Bush in the year 2000. He is a recipient of the Silver Medallion Award from NCCJ (a national interfaith organization) and a recipient of the Peacemaker Award from St. Thomas University in Miami.

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