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Hussain Kamani’s Biography

Hussain Kamani biography

Mufti Hussain Kamani was born to a Hindu revert-to-Islam and Muslim father in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. With the blessings and du’a (supplications) of his parents, Mufti Hussain Kamani underwent a journey of a lifetime in pursuit of sacred Islamic knowledge. He began his pursuit of the Islamic sciences at the young age of six to memorize … Read more

Hesham Al-awadi’s Biography

Hesham Al-awadi biography

Dr Hesham Al-Awadi was born in Kuwait and educated in the United Kingdom. He completed his BA, MA, MPhil and PhD in the field of Middle Eastern Politics and History, in various British universities including the University of Cambridge and Exeter. He also has a Diploma in Islamic Studies from the Institute of Islamic Studies, … Read more

Hatem Al-Haj’s Biography

Hatem Al-haj biography

Dr. Hatem al-Haj holds a PhD in Comparative Fiqh from al-Jinan University. He is the Dean of the College of Islamic Studies at Mishkah University, a member of AMJA permanent Fatwa Committee, and a board-certified pediatrician. He was born in Cairo, Egypt, and currently lives in the United States of America. Married and has four … Read more

Hasib Noor’s Biography

Hasib Noor biography

Shaykh Hasib Noor hails from Afghan heritage, grew up in the US, & studied at the College of Islamic Law in the University of Madinah, following undergraduate study in the U.S, with a major in Pre-Med and a minor in Psychology. His journey in seeking traditional knowledge started in the U.S. while in high school & … Read more

Hasan Ali’s Biography

Hasan Ali's Biography

Shaykh Hasan Ali graduated in 1997 as a scholar/Alim in Islamic education, in addition to gaining a Masters Degree in Educational Psychology at the Institute of Education (University of London) in 2006. He became the Imam of London Islamic Cultural Society (LICS) mosque on Wightman Road, North London (, where he founded Safar Academy, enrolling … Read more

Haroon Baqai’s Biography

Haroon Baqai biography

Haroon Baqai has been teaching Quran and Tajweed, and has been a speaker for many years. He has an Ijazah in the mode of Hafs an Asim, which he received in Saudi Arabia after studying under Sh. Muhammad Ali Haqqan. He also studied at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences in Virigina – a … Read more

Hamza Tzortzis’s Biography

Hamza Tzortzis's Biography

Hamza Andreas Tzortzis is an international public speaker on Islam. He is a writer, having authored articles, essays and commentaries on political philosophy, the philosophy of religion and society. Ustadh Hamza Tzortzis is an intellectual activist actively engaging on issues pertaining to religion, social cohesion and politics. He is also a researcher with a recent … Read more

Haleh Banani’s Biography

Haleh Banani's Biography

Haleh Banani is the first female to host a program for Al-Fajr TV called ‘With Haleh’ which combines the principles of psychology and Islam to help people reach their full potential and overcome their challenges. She has a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology from University of Houston, graduating Magna Cum Laude. She has over 10 … Read more

Haitham Al-haddad’s Biography

Haitham Al-haddad's Biography

Sh. Dr. Haitham al-Haddad is a jurist and serves as a judge for the Islamic Sharia Council (UK & Eire). He has studied the Islamic sciences for over 20 years under the tutelage of renowned scholars such as the late Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia as well as the retired Head of the Kingdom’s Higher … Read more

Haifaa Younis’s Biography

Haifaa Younis’s Biography

Dr. Haifaa Younis is an American Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist with roots from Iraq. Her pursuit of Islamic knowledge initiated when she began to study with various Islamic scholars from across the United States while she simultaneously attended individual courses and lectures on subjects including Aqeeda, Fiqh, usual Fiqh, Hadeeth, and Tazkiyah (purification of … Read more